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Introduction to Virtual Reality


In this lesson, students learn how to take the VR worlds they have been creating and view them through a VR enabled device, such as a smartphone + cardboard viewer or an Oculus Rift.

Students have been making some awesome VR worlds, but so far they only have been viewing them in 2 dimensions. A-Frame has made it easy to create simple VR worlds and things like Google Cardboard devices make it easy to view them.


Students will be able to:

  • View their VR worlds in a VR enabled device, such as a smartphone + cardboard viewer or an Oculus Rift

In this lesson, students will learn how to use the A-Frame Documentation to learn more about the various features of A-Frame. They will use the documentation to create brand new shapes we’ve never used before.


Students will be able to:

  • Locate the A-Frame Quick Documentation in the DOCS tab of the CodeHS Editor
  • Locate the full A-Frame Documentation online
  • Explain the purpose of documentation for a language
  • Utilize the A-Frame Documentation to create a VR world with a brand new shape they’ve never used before

In this lesson, students will learn about the A-Frame Inspector: A visual tool that helps us modify our VR scenes.

So far, all of our modifications have been through trial and error. The A-Frame inspector will help students position items and then take t


Students will be able to:

  • Open the A-Frame Inspector
  • Utilize the A-Frame Inspector to modify their VR scene

In this lesson, students will learn about using extra libraries that people in the A-Frame community have created! A-Frame provides a lot of really cool features, but people in the community are constantly adding even more! Students will gain practice using a physics library to add gravity and collisions to our VR worlds, making them much more realistic.


Students will be able to:

  • Find add on components to A-Frame
  • Utilize the physics library to add gravity to their VR worlds
  • Utilize the physics library to add collisions between objects in their VR worlds

In this lesson, students learn about online resources that they can use to help make additional components and a more complex world.


Students will be able to:

  • Use online resources to supplement their knowledge they gained in this course.