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Elementary Computer Science Curriculum

Engaging computer science curriculum designed for simple implementation, featuring fully prepared lessons and intuitive tools for teachers.

CodeHS is offering FREE elementary trials through June 30, 2025. Request access to the full CodeHS elementary catalog and platform today.

Ready-to-Go Lessons

Prepare for a new lesson in minutes! Elementary lessons are built to minimize prep time and allow teachers to easily guide students through the curriculum. Ready-to-Go lessons include student-facing videos with engaging graphics, discussion questions, formative assessments, and guided practice.

Vertically-Aligned Computer Science Pathway

CodeHS elementary curriculum provides vertically-aligned lessons to unify a K-12 computer science pathway at any district. Courses are aligned to state and national standards, and available in Spanish.

Built for Interdisciplinary Instruction or Dedicated CS Instruction Time

Teachers can choose to integrate CS into other instructional periods with interdisciplinary lessons featuring science, math, and more. Schools also have the option of using CodeHS Elementary courses in a dedicated computer science period or technology class.

Customizable PD and Implementation Support

CodeHS PD workshops are designed to quickly get elementary teachers up to speed with teaching computer science. No previous programming experience is needed! CodeHS also provides ongoing support with implementation throughout the school year.

I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you for awesome training! The vibe I got as teachers were leaving was one of excitement and relief that they could do this. I appreciate all the work you guys have put into this to make it easy for the elementary teachers to access the lessons and know what they need to do.

Elementary Teacher, Washington County School District, Utah

Project-based lessons are easily differentiated for any classroom.

Computer Science Lessons

Interdisciplinary Lessons

Physical Computing Lessons

Open-Ended Projects

Spanish Curriculum

Differentiation Options

The elementary curriculum is built to fit into a full K-12 computer science pathway.

CodeHS offers two options for course pathways—The Computer Science Pathway and the Interdisciplinary Computer Science Pathway.

Interdisciplinary CS courses are coding courses that can be integrated into other subject areas. Computer Science courses are designed for dedicated computer science or technology instructional time.

Cultivate student creativity and critical thinking in any classroom setting! Students create digital stories, games, tools, and scientific models while learning the basics of programming.

Elementary Course Catalog

The CodeHS Elementary Platform

CodeHS provides teachers with fully prepared lessons and tools to seamlessly manage student rosters, assignments, and progress for any type of elementary classroom. The Elementary Playground allows teachers to easily view their student progress showcase.

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Scratch and ScratchJr for CodeHS Elementary

The CodeHS Elementary curriculum contains embedded versions of Scratch and ScratchJr block-based programming environments which seamlessly save students' work to their own CodeHS accounts. This web-based coding environment works with Chromebooks, iPads, and other devices-no downloads required!