By the end of this lesson, students should have a better understanding of cyberethics, responsible internet use, and the impact of copyright and licenses on the digital world. They should also be more aware of the potential consequences of unethical online behavior.
To understand ethical behavior in online activities.
Discuss the principles of cyber ethics, focusing on responsible online behavior.
Cover topics such as not posting content that could harm others, avoiding offensive or obscene content, not sharing content without permission, and refraining from unauthorized access to computers (black hat vs. white hat).
Discuss potential legal consequences of unethical online behavior.
Engage students in a scenario-based discussion, where they analyze different online situations and decide whether the actions are ethically sound.
Objective: To comprehend the importance of respecting copyright and licenses online.
Discuss copyright and the concept of intellectual property.
Explain the importance of not using content owned by others without permission or proper citation.
Introduce the difference between licensed software and open-source software.
Discuss acceptable use policies and the consequences of infringement or using prohibited or illegal content online.
Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts on how copyright and licenses affect their daily internet use.
Objective: To comprehend the importance of respecting copyright and licenses online.
Discuss copyright and the concept of intellectual property.
Explain the importance of not using content owned by others without permission or proper citation.
Introduce the difference between licensed software and open-source software.
Discuss acceptable use policies and the consequences of infringement or using prohibited or illegal content online.
Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts on how copyright and licenses affect their daily internet use.
These are all the activities included in the lesson