When was the first computer made? What did it look like, and what was it used for? In this lesson, students will explore the creation and evolution of computing machines that now permeate our day-to-day life.
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How are computers organized? What are the main components of a computer?
In this lesson, we will explore how different organizational structures of computers interact with each other to make computers functional.
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What kinds of software do computers use and need?
In this lesson, the topic of software is broken down into types of software, how they interact, and the specific functions of the different types of software.
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In this lesson, students will explore the history of operating systems by creating a timeline.
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What is hardware? How does hardware work?
In this lesson, hardware is broken down into the different physical components of computers and how they contribute to the function of the computer as a whole.
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Where is computing headed? What is Artificial Intelligence and what are the potential impacts that this might have on our world?
In this lesson, students learn about Artificial Intelligence and how the landscape of computing might change in the future. Students will discuss how these future developments might impact our society.
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In this lesson, students will learn basic safety concepts as they relate to the internet, shop spaces, and other governing agency rules.
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In this lesson, students will be introduced to Tinkercad and how to create basic circuits and use a multimeter to read basic properties of the electrical circuit.
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In this lesson, students will learn basic electrical principles such as Ohms law. Using Tinkercad circuits, they will see these laws in action.
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In this lesson, students will learn basic logical operators and how they can be implemented in an electrical circuit.
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In this lesson, students review content with a summative quiz for the unit.
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In this lesson, students will be introduced to HTML: the language for building web pages. Students will discover why HTML is important and how it works in order to start building their own web pages.
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In this lesson student upgrade from simple tags to full HTML documents. Students learn some new tags that let them put information in different places on the web page, and they learn about the nested tree structure of an HTML document.
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In this lesson, students learn about formatting tags that let them modify the appearance of text and make their web pages look clear and aesthetically pleasing.
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In this lesson, students learn how to add hyperlinks to their web pages using the <a>
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In this lesson, students learn how to add images to their own web pages using the <img>
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In this lesson, students learn how to add lists to their web pages and practice making different kinds of lists.
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In this lesson, students will use HTML styling to make their pages visually appealing and unique.
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In this lesson, students will be introduced to CSS to add styling to their HTML pages.
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In this lesson, students will complete their homepage by adding style and any other content they may want to include.
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In this lesson, students will use the skills they learned in this unit to create a HTML page that has useful information for new programmers.
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In this lesson, students complete a summative assessment of the unit’s learning objectives.
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In this lesson, students will explore how teamwork can be used to help build multipage websites using collaborative tools.
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In this lesson, students are introduced to a website project and given an opportunity to brainstorm and survey customers for their input.
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Once students have ideas, they will then use this lesson to help plan their site, including a site map, flowcharts, and project timelines.
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This project is meant to be a challenge that touches multiple concepts from the course to produce a digital artifact. In this project, students will be developing their first digital artifact: their very own website!
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How do computers store and manipulate information? In this lesson, students learn how computers abstract complicated information into manageable chunks that they can then store and manipulate.
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In this lesson, students will learn what a number system is, the difference between the decimal number system and the binary number system, and how to convert between decimal and binary.
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In this lesson, students will learn what a number system is, the difference between the decimal number system and the binary number system, and how to convert between decimal and binary.
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In this lesson, students will learn how computers break down images into concrete values that can be stored. Students will learn how images are represented digitally using pixels.
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In this lesson, students will learn about the hexadecimal number system, and how it is useful in storing digital information. They will also learn how to convert numbers from the hexadecimal system to binary and vice versa.
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In this lesson, students will learn how the RGB encoding scheme allows us to encode colors as numeric data. It defines the amount of red, green and blue light in a pixel.
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In this lesson, students will learn how computers shrink digital information, to make storage of pictures, videos, and text more efficient.
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In this lesson, students will what lossy compression is, the benefits and disadvantages of using this kind of compression, and where using lossy compression is appropriate.
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In this lesson, students will examine a troubleshooting model and have a chance to explore the different phases of the model.
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This lesson is a summative assessment of the unit’s learning objectives.
Assess student achievement of the learning goals of the unit
This lesson introduces students to the fundamental concepts of the Internet, its functionality, and its impact on society. Topics include how the Internet works, the importance of protocols, issues of anonymity, and internet censorship. Additionally, students will explore the history and evolution of the Internet through research and project-based activities.
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In this lesson, students will explore the fundamentals of programming and how computers understand instructions. They will learn about the concept of code, how it functions as a language for computers, and how different programming languages are structured.
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In this lesson, we explore the hardware that makes up the internet and explore characteristics of that hardware that define our experience on the internet.
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In this lesson, students will explore how internet hardware communicates using Internet Addresses and the Internet Protocol.
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In this lesson, students learn what a URL is and what happens when they visit a URL.
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In this lesson, students will explore the DNS system and how it maps human readable domain names into actual accessible IP addresses.
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In this lesson, students explore how messages get from one address on the internet to another.
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In this lesson, students learn about the last piece of the puzzle for how the Internet works: Packets and Protocols. All information sent over the internet is broken down into small groups of bits called packets. The format for creating and reading packets is defined by open protocols so that all devices can read packets from all other devices.
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In this lesson, students learn about three methods computers use to process tasks — sequential, parallel, and distributed computing. Sequential computing executes each step in order one at a time, while parallel and distributed computing process tasks simultaneously on the same or across more than one device, respectively.
Students will be able to:
In this lesson, students will discuss the ways that the protocols that we have discussed can be exploited, and some methods of protection that we have. We learn about the impact of cybercrime and how we can combat cyber attacks with cybersecurity. Cryptography is the cornerstone of secure communication.
Students will have an understanding of why cybersecurity is necessary, and some practical measures that they can take themselves to improve their security on the internet.
In this lesson, students are presented with different ways that the Internet impacts their lives. The Internet affects the way that people communicate (emails, social media, video chat) and collaborate to solve problems. It has revolutionized the way that people can learn and even buy things. Because the Internet is present in almost every facet of people’s lives, there are severe ethical and legal concerns that derive from the Internet.
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In this lesson, students will learn what copyright laws are and how to avoid copyright infringement. They will explore why copyright laws are important and how they protect the creators.
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In this lesson, students explore various careers in computer science, including the ethical considerations and the roles of professional societies within these careers.
Students will be able to:
This lesson is a summative assessment of the unit’s learning objectives.
Assess student achievement of the learning goals of the unit
In this lesson, students will explore the fundamental concepts and benefits of cloud computing. They will research its history, understand its real-world applications, and analyze the impact of cloud technology on various industries.
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Through exploration and research activities, students will explore the history of computer science.
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In this lesson, students will explore the different cloud deployment models: Public, Private, Hybrid, and Community. They will examine the advantages, disadvantages, and use cases of each model through readings, interactive activities, and discussions.
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In this lesson, students explore the Internet of Things and how these devices impact the world around us.
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In this lesson, students review content with a multiple-choice question Unit Quiz.
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In this lesson, students will learn what is meant by cybersecurity and explore a few news worthy cyber attacks. They will also discuss the Internet of Things and the increase in connected devices.
Cybersecurity is the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from digital attacks. Increased connectivity via the Internet of Things and reliance on computer devices to send and store data makes users more vulnerable to cyber attacks.
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In this lesson, students will learn and examine recent cyber attacks. Cyber attacks result in financial loss, lowered trust, disruption of important services, and more. There is a growing need for cybersecurity experts, and careers in the field are lucrative with high-impact.
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In this lesson, students will learn about The CIA Triad. The CIA Triad is a widely-accepted security measure that should be guaranteed in every secure system. It stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
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In this lesson, students learn how to use user accounts and permissions to secure a device. Students also learn about system hardening and how to strengthen the security of a network by setting up and implementing host security.
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In this lesson, students complete a summative assessment of the unit’s learning objectives.
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In this lesson, students will learn what data science is, what a data scientist does, and the different types of questions that can be asked about data. Students will learn that statistical questions include computations or finding a relationship or pattern.
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In this lesson, students will learn how computers are used to collect, store, manipulate, and visualize data in order to answer questions and gain knowledge of the world.
Students will be able to examine and analyze the growing importance of data in technology and their lives
This lesson builds toward the following Enduring Understandings (EUs) and Learning Objectives (LOs). Students should understand that…
In this lesson, students will learn about the impact of visually representing data to make information easier to analyze and use.
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In this lesson, students learn how computers can be used to collect and store data. They learn best practices for interpreting data that is presented. Data visualizations can be very helpful in recognizing patterns and answering questions, but can also be used to mislead if skewed or full of bias.
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In this lesson, students will explore the benefits of splitting websites into multiple files and multiple folders.
In this lesson, students learn how to use the command line interface to interact with files and folders, and access information about computer processes.
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In this lesson, students will learn about different CLI commands and tools that will provide network information. Students will also take a look at network connection logs to determine the legitimacy of specific login attempts.
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In this lesson, students will be introduced to the basics of shell scripting. The lesson covers what shell scripting is and allows students to write basic scripts.
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In this lesson, students will learn about various software development life cycle models and what tools can be used at different stages of the process.
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