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Build an Interactive Resume!

In this project, students create a single-page, interactive resume. Students are expected to add several animations using jQuery to prove their ability to modify HTML and CSS.


5 Hours

High School

Project Description


A resume is an important tool for your job search because it offers a way for you to display your top skills and qualities. Resumes also help employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview when you begin your job search. In this project, students create a single-page, interactive resume. You’ll be expected to add several animations using jQuery to prove your ability to modify HTML and CSS.

Your Task

Develop your interactive resume in this exercise.

You’ll notice that there are two additional files - resume-animations.js and style.css. Place your scripts in the .js file, and your CSS in the .css file as you see necessary.

Make sure that you are completing the project based on the project guidelines. Your resume will be evaluated based on that rubric.