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Elementary Standards Mapping

for CO CS 2


Standards in this Framework

Standard Lessons
Students can develop plans that describe a program’s sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
    Sequences (Unplugged)
    Introduction to Message Events
    Types of Motion
    Light and Shadows
    Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 100
    Create Your Own Story Problem
    Weather and Seasons
    Counting with Bee-Bot®
    Introduction to Bee-Bot®: Planning a Program
    Patterns with Bee-Bot®
    Seasons with Bee-Bot®
    Place Value: Adding Up to 20
    Weather with Bee-Bot®
    Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr: Part 1
    Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr: Part 2
    Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop the Balloons
    Seasonal Project (Spring): Create a Chase Game
    Seasonal Project (Fall): Gathering Apples Game
    Using the Go To Page Block
    Introduction to Speed Blocks
    Introduction to Show and Hide Blocks
    Introduction to Grow and Shrink Blocks
    Forever Loop Dance Party
    Code Block Review
    Loops: Catching Butterflies
    Introduction to the Wait Block
    About Me Project
    Create a Map
    Grow and Shrink Blocks in Motion
    Seasons with Code & Go® Robot Mouse
    Weather with Code & Go® Robot Mouse
    Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Basic Movements
    Counting with Code & Go® Robot Mouse
    Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Planning a Program
    Patterns with Code & Go® Robot Mouse
    Needs of Living Things with Code & Go® Robot Mouse
    Push and Pull with Code & Go® Robot Mouse
    Growing Garden
    Sequences: Digital Responsibilities
    Events: Submarine Sequences
    Transportation Speeds and Sounds
    Sequences (Unplugged)
    Sequences: Snowball Fight
    Drawing Tools: Nature Walk
    Changing Environments with Bee-Bot®
    Seasonal Project (Winter): Build a Snowman
    Changing Environments with Code & Go® Robot Mouse
    Computational Thinking: Morning Routines
    Computational Thinking: Evening Routines
    Computational Thinking: School Day Routines
Students can select and use appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks and recognize that users have different needs and preferences for the technology they use.
    3D Design: Introduction
    Scout Adventures 1: Introducing Scout
    Scout Adventures 2: Scout Starts Exploring
    Scout Adventures 3: Scout Meets a Friend
    Scout Adventures 4: Scout Explores the Forest
    Scout Adventures 5: Scout and Bluebird Help
    Scout Adventures 6: Scout Celebrates with Friends
Students can develop programs with sequences and simple loops to express ideas or address a problem.
    Maze Game Project
    Loops Part 2
    Counting with Mazes
    Build a Sentence
    Research Presentations
    Create Your Own Story Problem
    Advanced Data and Programming
    Wildlife Scene Project
    Changes in the Environment
    Introduction to Bee-Bot®: Planning a Program
    Introduction to Coding with LEGO® SPIKE Essential
    Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Basic Moves
    Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Repeat Loops with Sea Turtles
    Skills Practice: Sequences
    Skills Practice: Repeat Loops
    Skills Practice: Events
    Skills Practice: Message Events
    Space Travel Project
    Moving Targets Game
    VEX 123®: Patterns of Living Things
    Seed Dispersal
    Kibo®: Adding and Subtracting
    Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop the Balloons
    Forever Loop Dance Party
    Code Block Review
    End Block: Program a Race
    Chicken Crossing Game
    Garden Project
    River Crossing Game
    Create a Map
    Tap-a-Mole Game
    Design an Adventure Game
    Patterns and Music
    Introduction to Debugging
    Events (Alpine UT updates)
    Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Planning a Program
    Ozobot® Cycle
    Debugging: Events and Sequences
    Create an Original Story Animation
    Debugging: Message Events and Loops
    Speed Block: Bouncy Ball
    Garden Project
    Debugging: Events and Motion
    Maze Game Project
    Grid: Solving Mazes
    Events: Submarine Sequences
    Moving Targets Game
    Sequences: Snowball Fight
    Bowling Game
    Introduction to Repeat Loops
Students can demonstrate how to train a computer to recognize something.
    Training AI Using Data
    Machine Learning: AutoDraw
    Machine Learning: What is a Blorg?
    The Sorting Game
    What Can AI Do?
    Sorting with Decision Trees
Students can describe and provide examples of how people learn and how computers learn.
    Training AI Using Data
    Machine Learning: AutoDraw
    Machine Learning: What is a Blorg?
    The Sorting Game
    What Can AI Do?
    Sorting with Decision Trees
    How AI Helps Us
Students can describe the kinds of tasks an intelligent assistant can and cannot perform.
    Training AI Using Data
    Machine Learning: AutoDraw
    Machine Learning: What is a Blorg?
    What Can AI Do?
    How AI Helps Us
Students can describe some jobs that no longer exist due to advances in technology.
    How AI Helps Us
Students can identify devices in daily life that use AI technologies.
    Training AI Using Data
    What Can AI Do?
    How AI Helps Us
Students can examine a labeled dataset and identify problems in the data that could lead a computer to make incorrect predictions.
Students can identify current uses of AI and how they have impacted people.
    How AI Helps Us
Students can describe how AI can be used to solve problems that affect people.
    How AI Helps Us
Students can discuss examples of cyberbullying and model age-appropriate responses to cyberbullying.
Students can discuss the concept of copyright.
    Giving Credit Through Attributions