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Standards Mapping

for Colorado Web Site Development


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Practice safe habits and procedures when sharing and sending files, navigating websites, and connecting to servers and networks.
  1. 8.5 Using Input Fields
  2. 9.8 CIA Triad
Determine how companies, organizations, and individuals keep their data secure from theft and identify fraud.
  1. 9.7 Web Security
  2. 9.8 CIA Triad
Investigate opportunities for personal and professional growth in the web design and computer science fields. Examples include: a) Opportunities to enter design contests, b) Assist with the maintenance or development of a website, c) Participate in initiatives such as the national Hour of Code.
  1. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
Explore postsecondary programs in the computer sciences, such as website development, animation and graphics, or website administration.
  1. 11.1 Computer Science Careers
Critically evaluate a website on the merits of its design features, applying knowledge and skills related to webpage composition to critique the following: a) Navigational hierarchy, b) Balance, c) Color unity, d) Typography, formatting, and other aspects of the text layout and style, e) Compatibility across multiple browsers and devices, f) Flow and arrangement of content.
  1. 7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
Synthesize the steps of the web design process learned in previous courses with research into emerging or alternating design models.
  1. 7.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
Produce a sophisticated flowchart, diagram, or other logic model that will serve as a template to guide the development of projects and activities. a) Annotate the model with the inputs, constraints, activities, and target outcomes involved in a given project. b) Demonstrate where inputs flow from one stage of the project to the next.
  1. 10.2 Planning Your Site
Research how web development teams use project management tools to divide roles and responsibilities among team members, track progress towards goals, and satisfy client specifications.
  1. 4.1 Software Development Life Cycle
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
Explore a variety of tools and develop systems for applying selected tools to projects and assignments in this course.
  1. 4.1 Software Development Life Cycle
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
Demonstrate technical fluency in a variety of programming and markup languages (e.g., HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuiry, PHP, and/or SQL). a) Describe the particular functions and environments in which each language operates. i) Detail the benefits, limitations, and unique features of each. b) Justify when one programming language would be ideal.
  1. 1.1 Introduction to HTML
  2. 2.1 Introduction to CSS
  3. 3.1 Getting Started - Advanced HTML and CSS
  4. 5.1 The Script Tag
  5. 6.1 Introduction to jQuery
Correctly apply tags, embed links, manipulate space, customize attributes, and incorporate style elements related to typography, margins, and spanning and padding.
  1. 1.4 Links
  2. 3.5 Spans
  3. 3.13 The Box Model
Demonstrate the ability to code web page elements such as tables and forms according to the specifications of the client.
  1. 1.8 HTML Tables
  2. 8.5 Using Input Fields
Distinguish between different units of measurement systems used in website development. a) Accurately define terms such as size, aspect ratio, percentage units, and pixels as they relate to specific style commands. b) Accurately apply and modify the appropriate units when writing and editing code for objects/text in a programming environment.
  1. 2.1 Introduction to CSS
  2. 3.13 The Box Model
Apply, edit, and continually revise code using appropriate software.
  1. 4.1 Software Development Life Cycle
  2. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
Create and edit graphics and other multimedia for web pages, evaluating and customizing their attributes according to client/instructor specifications.
  1. 5.9 JavaScript Animations
  2. 5.10 Positioning and Animations
Summarize the functions of plug-ins for content management systems as well as static websites.
  1. 9.3 Using a CMS
Apply basic troubleshooting strategies to resolve errors in syntax, fix broken links, edit distorted images, and align website content for seamless navigation.
  1. 5.1 The Script Tag
  2. 9.6 Web Accessibility
Research methods of performing code validation on a completed or in-progress web page.
Validate code for compatibility across browser and devices.
Conduct a preliminary investigation of various branding strategies used by companies that sell their products and services online.
Evaluate selected companies’ website to determine how such strategies are deployed throughout a site.
Define web analytics, and discuss the increasingly sophisticated role that analytics play in the marketing and management of content for websites.
Interpret simple analytics in the dashboard interface of a content management system.
Describe trends, analyze performance, and describe how a website’s 'reach' can be determined with analytics.
Build on the work of previous Web Design courses and practice writing original web content for a particular audience. a) Adhere to client specifications regarding tone, length, and style of language, writing in a manner appropriate for the target audience. b) Regularly edit writing and solicit peer feedback for continuity of message and language.
  1. 10.1 Project Overview
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
  3. 10.3 Creating Your Site
  4. 10.4 Providing Feedback
Model the process for setting up a website. a) Investigate domain name availability. b) Register hosting service. c) Download a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program.
  1. 9.1 Choosing a Domain Name
  2. 9.2 Hosting Your Website
  3. 9.4 What is Web Optimization?
  4. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information
Upload and organize files onto a server.
  1. 8.5 Using Input Fields
Arrange content to map out a simple multi-page website.
  1. 9.7 Web Security
  2. 10.2 Planning Your Site
Maintain accurate and navigable directories for retrieving and storing files.
Incorporate original writing content onto the site.
  1. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
  2. 7.3 Interactive Resume Development
Publish content online for the instructor or class to see on a standard Internet browser.
  1. 4.2 Homepage: Your First Website
Explore a range of new and emerging trends in web design and development. Examples include: a) Movement towards responsive design to expand web compatibility, b) The increasing use of HTML5, c) Embedding of social media within websites for the purposes of sharing content or crowdsourcing a product idea.
  1. 3.6 Semantic Tags
  2. 9.4 What is Web Optimization?
  3. 9.5 Optimizing Web Information