Standards in this Framework
Standard | Lessons |
Demonstrate proper ergonomics (e.g., body position, stretching) when using devices. |
Use electrical devices safely and in moderation (e.g., unplug devices by pulling the plug rather than the cord, do not mix water/food and electric devices, avoid gaming and walking). |
Care for devices appropriately (e.g., handling devices gently, completely shutting down devices when not in use, storing devices in the appropriate container). |
Computer Basics |
Explain that a password helps protect the privacy of information. |
Keeping Information Safe Password Protectors |
Identify safe and unsafe examples of online communications. |
Keeping Information Safe Password Protectors Positive Online Behavior Responsible Digital Citizens |
Explain why we keep personal information (e.g., name, location, phone number, home address) private. |
Online Etiquette Keeping Information Safe Password Protectors Responsible Digital Citizens |
Identify which personal information (e.g., user name or real name, school name or home address) should and should not be shared online and with whom. |
Online Etiquette Keeping Information Safe Password Protectors Responsible Digital Citizens |
Explain why it is necessary to report inappropriate electronic content or contact. |
Positive Online Behavior Responsible Digital Citizens |
Define good digital citizenship as using technology safely, responsibly, and ethically. |
Keeping Information Safe Password Protectors Positive Online Behavior Responsible Digital Citizens |
Demonstrate responsible use of computers, peripheral devices, and resources as outlined in school rules [Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for K-2]. |
Explain that most digital artifacts have owners. |
Explain the importance of giving credit to media creators/owners when using their work. |
Identify and describe how people (e.g., students, parents, police officers) use many types of technologies in their daily work and personal lives. |
Computer Basics Impacts of Technology in Our World Mouse Practice Keyboard Introduction |
Recognize when the purpose of content is to provide information or to influence you to act. |
Operate a variety of digital tools (e.g., open/close, find, save/print, navigate, use input/output devices). |
Welcome to CodeHS! Get Organized with Files Data Storage with Symbols |
Identify, locate, and use letters, numbers, and special keys on a keyboard (e.g., Space Bar, Shift, Delete). |
Create a simple digital artifact. |
Impacts of Technology in Our World Adaptations and Survival: Camouflage Introduction to Message Events Maze Game Project Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 20 Greater Than and Less Than: Single-Digit Numbers Changing Landforms Creating Shapes Types of Motion Animal Life Cycles Events Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 10 Place Value: Ones, Tens, and Hundreds Loops Part 2 Counting with Mazes Build a Sentence Light and Shadows From ScratchJr to Scratch Research Presentations Who Keeps Us Safe? Sound and Pitch Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 100 Storytelling Animations Phases of the Moon Create Your Own Story Problem Our Responsibilities Living and Nonliving Weather and Seasons Original Story Animations - Personal Story Digital Research 2: Choice Research Loops Storytelling Animations Part 2 Sun and Moon, Day and Night Algebraic Thinking: Find an Unknown Number Up to 10 in a Number Story Original Story Animations - Fiction Story Economic Choices Advanced Data and Programming Phonics: Letter Sounds Cardinal Directions Events and Money Wildlife Scene Project Place Value: Ones and Tens Finding an Unknown in a Word Problem Changes in the Environment Phonics: Digraphs Counting with Bee-Bot® Introduction to Bee-Bot®: Planning a Program Patterns with Bee-Bot® ScratchJr to Scratch: Events and Loops Seasons with Bee-Bot® Place Value: Adding Up to 20 Comparing Length with Bee-Bot® Introduction to Coding with LEGO® SPIKE Essential VEX 123®: Math Word Problems Weather with Bee-Bot® Needs of Living Things with Bee-Bot® Push and Pull with Bee-Bot® Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Basic Moves Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Repeat Loops with Sea Turtles Skills Practice: Repeat Loops Skills Practice: Events LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Moving Statue Space Travel Project 3D Design: Create a Bubble Wand Divide Shapes into Equal Parts Moving Targets Game Punctuation: Write a Great Sentence! VEX 123®: Patterns of Living Things Seed Dispersal Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr: Part 1 Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr: Part 2 Kibo®: Adding and Subtracting Shapes with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop the Balloons Making Ten with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Spring): Create a Chase Game Seasonal Project (Fall): Gathering Apples Game Identify Shapes by Attributes Minecraft: Education Edition® - Trailblazer Introduction to Speed Blocks VEX 123®: Defining Shape Attributes Introduction to Show and Hide Blocks Introduction to Grow and Shrink Blocks Forever Loop Dance Party CodeHS Coding Card Game: Sequences CodeHS Coding Card Game: Sequences 2 CodeHS Coding Card Game: Loops CodeHS Coding Card Game: Loops 2 CodeHS Coding Card Game: Conditionals CodeHS Coding Card Game: Conditionals 2 Code Block Review Loops: Catching Butterflies Introduction to the Wait Block Greater Than and Less Than: Two-Digit Numbers Greater Than and Less Than: Three-Digit Numbers Introduction to Pages End Block: Program a Race About Me Project Chicken Crossing Game Garden Project Combining Shapes River Crossing Game Racing Game Create a Map Hide and Seek Game 3D Shapes Digital Greeting Card Design an Adventure Game Algebraic Thinking: Finding a Two-Digit Unknown Patterns and Music Preventing Erosion Drawing Tools: Fairy Tale Painting Events (Alpine UT updates) Grow and Shrink Blocks in Motion Drawing Tools: Farm Scene Basic Data and Programming Project Seasons with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Weather with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Basic Movements Counting with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Planning a Program Patterns with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Comparing Length with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Needs of Living Things with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Push and Pull with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Shapes with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Making Ten with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Loops: Predator and Prey Programming a Cycle Create an Original Story Animation Loops: Follow the Path Speed Block: Bouncy Ball Create a Mini Golf Game Message Events: Scout Plays in the Forest Pages: Scout's Travels Garden Project Pages: Create a Tapping Game Growing Garden Message Events: Simon Says Pages: Dragon Story Maze Game Project Loops: Frog and Rabbit Grid: Arctic Animation Forever Loops: Fireworks Loops: Play in the Park Basic Data and Programming Project Sequences: Digital Responsibilities Grid: Solving Mazes Animal Sounds Events: Submarine Sequences Moving Targets Game Transportation Speeds and Sounds Introduction to Events All About Me! Introduction to Repeat Loops Changing Environments with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Winter): Build a Snowman Changing Environments with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Careers in CS: Litter Free Communities Careers in CS: Coding for Fashion-Retail |
Use appropriate digital tools individually and collaboratively to create, review, and revise simple artifacts that include text, images and audio. |
Impacts of Technology in Our World Adaptations and Survival: Camouflage Introduction to Message Events Maze Game Project Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 20 Greater Than and Less Than: Single-Digit Numbers Changing Landforms Creating Shapes Types of Motion Animal Life Cycles Events Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 10 Place Value: Ones, Tens, and Hundreds Loops Part 2 Counting with Mazes Build a Sentence Light and Shadows From ScratchJr to Scratch Research Presentations Who Keeps Us Safe? Sound and Pitch Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 100 Storytelling Animations Phases of the Moon Create Your Own Story Problem Our Responsibilities Living and Nonliving Weather and Seasons Original Story Animations - Personal Story Digital Research 2: Choice Research Loops Storytelling Animations Part 2 Sun and Moon, Day and Night Algebraic Thinking: Find an Unknown Number Up to 10 in a Number Story Original Story Animations - Fiction Story Economic Choices Advanced Data and Programming Phonics: Letter Sounds Cardinal Directions Events and Money Wildlife Scene Project Place Value: Ones and Tens Finding an Unknown in a Word Problem Changes in the Environment Phonics: Digraphs Counting with Bee-Bot® Introduction to Bee-Bot®: Planning a Program Patterns with Bee-Bot® ScratchJr to Scratch: Events and Loops Seasons with Bee-Bot® Place Value: Adding Up to 20 Comparing Length with Bee-Bot® Introduction to Coding with LEGO® SPIKE Essential VEX 123®: Math Word Problems Weather with Bee-Bot® Needs of Living Things with Bee-Bot® Push and Pull with Bee-Bot® Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Basic Moves Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Repeat Loops with Sea Turtles Skills Practice: Repeat Loops Skills Practice: Events LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Moving Statue Space Travel Project Divide Shapes into Equal Parts Moving Targets Game Punctuation: Write a Great Sentence! VEX 123®: Patterns of Living Things Seed Dispersal Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr: Part 1 Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr: Part 2 Kibo®: Adding and Subtracting Shapes with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop the Balloons Making Ten with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Spring): Create a Chase Game Seasonal Project (Fall): Gathering Apples Game Identify Shapes by Attributes Minecraft: Education Edition® - Trailblazer Introduction to Speed Blocks VEX 123®: Defining Shape Attributes Introduction to Show and Hide Blocks Introduction to Grow and Shrink Blocks Forever Loop Dance Party CodeHS Coding Card Game: Sequences CodeHS Coding Card Game: Sequences 2 CodeHS Coding Card Game: Loops CodeHS Coding Card Game: Loops 2 CodeHS Coding Card Game: Conditionals CodeHS Coding Card Game: Conditionals 2 Code Block Review Loops: Catching Butterflies Introduction to the Wait Block Greater Than and Less Than: Two-Digit Numbers Greater Than and Less Than: Three-Digit Numbers Introduction to Pages End Block: Program a Race About Me Project Chicken Crossing Game Garden Project Combining Shapes River Crossing Game Racing Game Create a Map Hide and Seek Game 3D Shapes Digital Greeting Card Design an Adventure Game Algebraic Thinking: Finding a Two-Digit Unknown Patterns and Music Preventing Erosion Drawing Tools: Fairy Tale Painting Events (Alpine UT updates) Grow and Shrink Blocks in Motion Drawing Tools: Farm Scene Basic Data and Programming Project Seasons with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Weather with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Basic Movements Counting with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Planning a Program Patterns with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Comparing Length with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Needs of Living Things with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Push and Pull with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Shapes with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Making Ten with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Loops: Predator and Prey Programming a Cycle Create an Original Story Animation Loops: Follow the Path Speed Block: Bouncy Ball Create a Mini Golf Game Message Events: Scout Plays in the Forest Pages: Scout's Travels Garden Project Pages: Create a Tapping Game Growing Garden Message Events: Simon Says Pages: Dragon Story Maze Game Project Loops: Frog and Rabbit Grid: Arctic Animation Forever Loops: Fireworks Loops: Play in the Park Basic Data and Programming Project Sequences: Digital Responsibilities Grid: Solving Mazes Animal Sounds Events: Submarine Sequences Moving Targets Game Transportation Speeds and Sounds Introduction to Events All About Me! Introduction to Repeat Loops Changing Environments with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Winter): Build a Snowman Changing Environments with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Careers in CS: Litter Free Communities Careers in CS: Coding for Fashion-Retail |
Collaboratively use digital tools and media resources to communicate key ideas and details in a way that informs, persuades, and/or entertains. |
Advanced Data and Programming Basic Data and Programming Project Basic Data and Programming Project |
Use a variety of digital tools to exchange information and feedback with teachers. |
Digital Research 2: Choice Research |
Use a variety of digital tools to present information to others. |
Impacts of Technology in Our World Digital Research 1: Guided Research Networks and the Internet Training AI Using Data Machine Learning: AutoDraw Machine Learning: Teachable Machine |
Conduct basic keyword searches to gather information from teacher-provided digital sources (e.g., online library catalog, databases). |
Digital Research 2: Choice Research |
Create an artifact individually and collaboratively that answers a research question, while clearly expressing thoughts and ideas. |
Digital Research 2: Choice Research |
Acknowledge and name sources of information or media (e.g., title of book, author of book, website). |
Digital Research 2: Choice Research |
Identify different kinds of computing devices in the classroom and other places (e.g., laptops, tablets, smart phones, desktops). |
Identify visible components of computing devices (e.g., keyboard, screen, monitor, printer, pointing device). |
Mouse Practice Keyboard Introduction |
Explain that computing devices function when applications, programs, or commands are executed. |
Operate a variety of computing systems (e.g., turn on, use input/output devices such as a mouse, keyboard, or touch screen; find, navigate, launch a program). |
Mouse Practice Keyboard Introduction |
Explain that computing devices are machines that are not alive but can be used to help humans with tasks. |
What Can AI Do? How AI Helps Us |
Recognize that some tasks are best completed by humans and others by computing devices (e.g., a human might be able to rescue someone in a normal environment, but robots would be better to use in a dangerous environment). |
What Can AI Do? How AI Helps Us |
Recognize that different tools can solve the same problem (e.g., pen and paper, calculators, and smart phones can all be used to solve simple mathematical problems). |
Scout Adventures 1: Introducing Scout Scout Adventures 2: Scout Starts Exploring Scout Adventures 3: Scout Meets a Friend Scout Adventures 4: Scout Explores the Forest Scout Adventures 5: Scout and Bluebird Help Scout Adventures 6: Scout Celebrates with Friends |
Explain that networks link computers and devices locally and around the world allowing people to access and communicate information. |
Networks, Packets, and the Internet Networks Part 2: Network Protocols |
List the attributes of a common object, for example, cars have a color, type (e.g., pickup, van, sedan), number of seats, etc. |
Define an algorithm as a sequence of defined steps. |
Computational Thinking: Evening Routines Computational Thinking: School Day Routines |
Create a simple algorithm, individually and collaboratively, without using computers to complete a task (e.g., making a sandwich, getting ready for school, checking a book out of the library). |
Loops (Unplugged) Counting and Sequences (Unplugged) Adding within 20 and Sequences (Unplugged) Sequences (Unplugged) |
Enact an algorithm using tangible materials (e.g., manipulatives, your body) or present the algorithm in a visual medium (e.g., storyboard). |
Loops (Unplugged) Counting and Sequences (Unplugged) Adding within 20 and Sequences (Unplugged) Sequences (Unplugged) |
Identify different kinds of information (e.g., text, charts, graphs, numbers, pictures, audio, video, collections of objects.) |
Data Patterns and Predictions Training AI Using Data Basic Data and Programming Project Machine Learning: What is a Blorg? Basic Data and Programming Project The Sorting Game What Can AI Do? Sorting with Decision Trees How AI Helps Us |
Identify, research, and collect information on a topic, issue, problem, or question using ageappropriate digital technologies. |
Digital Research 1: Guided Research Digital Research 2: Choice Research |
Individually and collaboratively, propose a solution to a problem or question based on an analysis of information. |
Research Presentations Digital Research 1: Guided Research Digital Research 2: Choice Research LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design for Changing Weather Preventing Erosion |
Individually and collaboratively, create information visualizations (e.g., charts, infographics). |
Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project Basic Data and Programming Project |
Explain that computers can save information as data that can be stored, searched, retrieved, and deleted. |
Data Patterns and Predictions Basic Data and Programming Project Basic Data and Programming Project Get Organized with Files |
Define a computer program as a set of commands created by people to do something. |
Explain that computers only follow the program’s instructions. |
Scout Adventures 1: Introducing Scout Scout Adventures 2: Scout Starts Exploring Scout Adventures 3: Scout Meets a Friend Scout Adventures 4: Scout Explores the Forest Scout Adventures 5: Scout and Bluebird Help Scout Adventures 6: Scout Celebrates with Friends |
Individually or collaboratively, create a simple program using visual instructions or tools that do not require a textual programming language (e.g., “unplugged” programming activities, a blockbased programming language). |
Introduction to Message Events Maze Game Project Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 20 Greater Than and Less Than: Single-Digit Numbers Changing Landforms Creating Shapes Types of Motion Animal Life Cycles Events Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 10 Place Value: Ones, Tens, and Hundreds Loops Part 2 Counting with Mazes Light and Shadows From ScratchJr to Scratch Research Presentations Who Keeps Us Safe? Sound and Pitch Story Problems: Add and Subtract within 100 Storytelling Animations Phases of the Moon Create Your Own Story Problem Living and Nonliving Digital Flashcards Weather and Seasons Original Story Animations - Personal Story Digital Research 2: Choice Research Loops Storytelling Animations Part 2 Sun and Moon, Day and Night Algebraic Thinking: Find an Unknown Number Up to 10 in a Number Story Original Story Animations - Fiction Story Economic Choices Advanced Data and Programming Phonics: Letter Sounds Cardinal Directions Events and Money Wildlife Scene Project Place Value: Ones and Tens Finding an Unknown in a Word Problem Changes in the Environment Phonics: Digraphs Counting with Bee-Bot® Introduction to Bee-Bot®: Planning a Program Patterns with Bee-Bot® ScratchJr to Scratch: Events and Loops Seasons with Bee-Bot® Place Value: Adding Up to 20 Introduction to Coding with LEGO® SPIKE Essential VEX 123®: Math Word Problems Weather with Bee-Bot® Needs of Living Things with Bee-Bot® Push and Pull with Bee-Bot® Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Basic Moves Minecraft® Coding Fundamentals - Repeat Loops with Sea Turtles Skills Practice: Repeat Loops Skills Practice: Events LEGO® SPIKE Essential: Design a Moving Statue Space Travel Project Moving Targets Game VEX 123®: Patterns of Living Things Seed Dispersal Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr: Part 1 Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr: Part 2 Kibo®: Adding and Subtracting Shapes with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Summer): Pop the Balloons Making Ten with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Spring): Create a Chase Game Seasonal Project (Fall): Gathering Apples Game Minecraft: Education Edition® - Trailblazer Introduction to Speed Blocks VEX 123®: Defining Shape Attributes Introduction to Show and Hide Blocks Introduction to Grow and Shrink Blocks Forever Loop Dance Party CodeHS Coding Card Game: Sequences CodeHS Coding Card Game: Sequences 2 CodeHS Coding Card Game: Loops CodeHS Coding Card Game: Loops 2 CodeHS Coding Card Game: Conditionals CodeHS Coding Card Game: Conditionals 2 Code Block Review Loops: Catching Butterflies Greater Than and Less Than: Two-Digit Numbers Greater Than and Less Than: Three-Digit Numbers End Block: Program a Race About Me Project Chicken Crossing Game Garden Project Combining Shapes River Crossing Game Racing Game Create a Map 3D Shapes Digital Greeting Card Design an Adventure Game Patterns and Music Preventing Erosion Events (Alpine UT updates) Grow and Shrink Blocks in Motion Seasons with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Weather with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Basic Movements Counting with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Introduction to Code & Go® Robot Mouse: Planning a Program Patterns with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Comparing Length with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Needs of Living Things with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Push and Pull with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Shapes with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Making Ten with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Loops: Predator and Prey Programming a Cycle Create an Original Story Animation Speed Block: Bouncy Ball Create a Mini Golf Game Message Events: Scout Plays in the Forest Pages: Scout's Travels Garden Project Pages: Create a Tapping Game Growing Garden Message Events: Simon Says Maze Game Project Loops: Frog and Rabbit Grid: Arctic Animation Forever Loops: Fireworks Loops: Play in the Park Sequences: Digital Responsibilities Grid: Solving Mazes Animal Sounds Events: Submarine Sequences Moving Targets Game Transportation Speeds and Sounds Introduction to Events Sequences: Snowball Fight Bowling Game All About Me! Introduction to Repeat Loops Changing Environments with Bee-Bot® Seasonal Project (Winter): Build a Snowman Changing Environments with Code & Go® Robot Mouse Careers in CS: Litter Free Communities Careers in CS: Coding for Fashion-Retail |
Describe how models represent a real-life system (e.g., globe, map, solar system, digital elevation model, weather map). |
Animal Life Cycles Phases of the Moon Weather and Seasons |
Define simulation and identify the concepts illustrated by a simple simulation (e.g., growth and health, butterfly life cycle). |
Animal Life Cycles Phases of the Moon Weather and Seasons |