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Elementary Standards Mapping

for South Carolina 1 Computer Science and Digital Literacy


Standards in this Framework

Standard Lessons
Produce a simple sentence using word processing software.
Create a simple presentation with text and/or image.
    Research Presentations
    Digital Research 2: Choice Research
Demonstrate appropriate behaviors toward others when using a connected computing device.
    Online Etiquette
    Positive Online Behavior
    Responsible Digital Citizens
Recognize and avoid harmful behaviors (e.g., sharing private information).
    Impacts of Technology in Our World
    Online Etiquette
    Keeping Information Safe
    Password Protectors
    Positive Online Behavior
    Responsible Digital Citizens
Demonstrate how to log in and log out from a connected computing device.
    Password Protectors
Recognize the importance of logging out from a connected computing device.
    Password Protectors
Recognize the difference between public and private information (e.g., personal information).
    Keeping Information Safe
Locate and use letter and number keys.
    Keyboard Introduction
Demonstrate the location of the home row keys.
    Keyboard Introduction
Develop proper keyboarding technique when keying letters and numbers (e.g., use both hands; utilize proper finger placement on home row keys; use letter and number keys).
    Keyboard Introduction
Identify tasks that can be performed with computing devices.
    Input Devices
    Computer Basics
Recognize some computing devices (e.g., computer, smartphone) can perform a variety of tasks and some computing devices are specialized (e.g., navigation system, game controller).
    Computer Basics
Use appropriate terminology in naming and identifying software (e.g., web browser, application).
    Input Devices
    Computer Basics
    Digital Research 2: Choice Research
Recognize that software acts on the input to affect the output (e.g., clicking on a mouse opens a program or application; typing on a keyboard displays letters on a screen).
    Input Devices
Identify and describe simple hardware problems. (e.g., headphones, keyboard, and/or mouse not plugged into the correct port).
    Computer Detectives: Computer Problems
Identify and describe simple software problems (e.g., volume too soft/loud).
    Computer Detectives: Computer Problems
Recognize that the internet can be used to gather information.
    Digital Research 1: Guided Research
    Advanced Data and Programming
    Data Storage and Variables
    Basic Data and Programming Project
    Data Storage with Symbols
    Variables: Keeping Score
Identify ways to connect with other people (e.g., direct message, voice talk, email, video chat).
    Impacts of Technology in Our World
    Networks and the Internet
Recognize that a variety of data (e.g., music, video, images, text) can be stored in and retrieved from a computing device.
    Advanced Data and Programming
    Data Storage and Variables
    Basic Data and Programming Project
    Get Organized with Files
    Data Storage with Symbols
    Variables: Keeping Score
Identify computing devices (e.g., digital thermometer, video game) that collect and display data.
    Input Devices
    Computer Basics
    Impacts of Technology in Our World
    What Can AI Do?
    How AI Helps Us
Recognize data displayed in picture graphs, T-charts, tallies, and bar graphs.
    Research Presentations
    Digital Research 1: Guided Research
    Advanced Data and Programming
    Data Patterns and Predictions
    Basic Data and Programming Project
Draw conclusions and make predictions from different types of graphs (i.e., object graphs, picture graphs, bar graphs).
    Research Presentations
    Digital Research 1: Guided Research
    Advanced Data and Programming
    Data Patterns and Predictions
    Basic Data and Programming Project
Recognize that many different careers use computing devices.
    Careers in CS: Litter Free Communities
    Careers in CS: Coding for Fashion-Retail
Describe how some tasks can be completed with or without a computing device.
    Types of Software
Describe the different ways people can communicate using computing devices.
    Input Devices
    Computer Basics
    Networks and the Internet