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Elementary Standards Mapping

for South Carolina 3 Computer Science and Digital Literacy


Standards in this Framework

Standard Lessons
Create documents (e.g., essays, letters) using a word processing program.
    Introduction to Google Docs™
    Introduction to Microsoft Word™
    Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Edit and format a document using a word processing program to check spelling, change fonts, and change margins.
    Introduction to Google Docs™
    Introduction to Microsoft Word™
    Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Format a presentation using presentation software to insert an image/video, change background colors, and change text color.
    Introduction to Google Slides™
    Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint™
    Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Understand that bullets are a way to organize a list.
    Introduction to Google Docs™
    Introduction to Microsoft Word™
    Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Demonstrate proper digital etiquette appropriate to the medium (e.g., not using all capital letters in an email).
    Digital Identity
Recognize the disparity with regards to access to technology around the world and discuss ways in which digital equality may be reached.
    Technology Timeline
Understand the importance of acceptable use policies (e.g., to enforce safe internet usage among all members of the community).
    Internet Positivity (Unplugged)
    Strong Usernames and Passwords
    Digital Identity
    Safe and Responsible Use of Technology
Distinguish between online content that is open and free to use and content that is protected by copyright.
    Giving Credit Through Attributions
Understand the notion of "digital footprint" and the permanence and trackability associated with online communication (e.g., email, social media).
    Digital Identity
Demonstrate proper keyboarding technique when keying letters, numbers, and symbols at a rate of 5 words per minute.
Use software capabilities to correct errors.
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
    Introduction to Google Docs™
    Introduction to Microsoft Word™
Compare and contrast computing devices (e.g., tablets, laptops, smartphones).
    How Computing Systems Work
Identify the parts of a computing device (e.g., input devices, output devices, processors).
    How Computing Systems Work
Identify actions (e.g., opening a file; closing a window) that are specific to an operating system (e.g., Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS).
    Data Storage
Compare operating systems to application software (e.g., word processor, spreadsheet, presentation software, web browser).
    How Computing Systems Work
    Introduction to Productivity Software
Troubleshoot simple hardware problems that may occur during use (e.g., hardware is plugged in or batteries charged; sound is muted/unmuted).
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
Troubleshoot simple software problems that may occur during use (e.g., refresh or close a web browser; close a program).
    Computer Detectives: Hardware and Software Problems
    Introduction to Productivity Software
Identify and distinguish between wireless and wired connections.
    Networks, Packets, and the Internet
Communicate electronically with others with support from peers, teachers, and others.
    Online Collaboration
Recognize particular websites as sources of research.
    Research: Effective Keywords
    Productivity Software Inquiry Project
Understand the different types of data storage (e.g., flash drives, hard drives, cloud storage).
    Data Storage
Identify various kinds of data (e.g., text, images, sounds, numbers).
    Data Storage
Discuss appropriate tools for collecting data.
    Programming and Data Project
Represent data with bar graphs.
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph
    Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph
    Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Interpret and analyze given data (i.e., tables).
    Programming and Data Project
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph
    Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph
    Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Draw conclusions from different types of graphs (i.e., scaled bar graphs, line plots).
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph
    Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph
    Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Discuss factors that impact accuracy.
    Inquiry Project: Survey Bar Graph
    Inquiry Project: Data Bar Graph
    Inquiry Project: Line Graph
Describe a daily task as a sequence of steps.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course
    Computational Thinking: Design a School
    Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Describe, using picture models, an ordered list of steps to perform a simple task.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course
    Computational Thinking: Design a School
    Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Identify a simple task (e.g., eating breakfast; brushing your teeth; walking to the bus stop).
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course
    Computational Thinking: Design a School
    Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Identify a complex task (e.g., getting ready for school).
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course
    Computational Thinking: Design a School
    Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Use picture directions to design a series of steps to complete a simple task.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming
    Computational Thinking: Design an Obstacle Course
    Computational Thinking: Design a School
    Computational Thinking: Design a Neighborhood
Test a series of directions to successfully complete a simple task.
    Sequences: Parallel Programming
List examples of how computing technology has changed and improved the way people live, work, and interact.
    Technology Timeline
    Ethical and Responsible Use of Generative AI
    AI Products: Ethical and Responsible Choices
    Humans Vs. Machines
    How Machines Learn
Identify and discuss the relevance and appropriateness of various electronic information sources (e.g., online databases such as Discus; web search engines).
    Introduction to Productivity Software