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Teacher Trainer Program

To achieve its mission of empowering all students to impact the future, CodeHS offers the Teacher Trainer Program. Selected CodeHS teachers share best practices, projects, and teaching strategies with fellow CS educators in virtual or in-person events. By nurturing a community of skilled educators, CodeHS aims to empower all students to shape the future through coding.

The CodeHS Teacher Trainer program is a new initiative of CodeHS where educators can expand their impact by sharing best practices and teaching strategies with new computer science teachers. The CodeHS mission is to empower all students to meaningfully impact the future. The Teacher Trainer Program supports our mission by increasing the number of in-person or virtual CodeHS professional development opportunities.

Teacher Trainer Benefits

In addition to being able to be featured on the CodeHS website and join an elite cohort of like-minded teachers, Teacher Trainers also receive a variety of other benefits throughout the year.

  1. Share your best ideas & practices while using high-quality CodeHS PD resources and the CodeHS platform
  2. Present virtual workshops to computer science teachers
  3. Network with the CodeHS team and other teacher trainers
  4. Access our PD Membership Area, valued at $400, upon completion of your initial workshop presentation
  5. Receive an honorarium for sharing your knowledge with a community of CS teachers!

How to Apply

Teacher Trainer applications are currently closed for our summer cohort. Please fill out an application to be considered for our next cohort.

Apply Today

Meet the CodeHS Teacher Trainers

Educators can learn from one another in order to better support their students through computer science education. Our CodeHS Teacher trainers are excited to lead fun and informative workshop sessions on a variety of topics!

Dennis Kramlich: Computer Science Teacher at Fayette County High School

Sean Raser: AP CS Principles Teacher at California High

Tziri Lamm: Teacher & Ed Tech Integration Specialist at Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman HS

Joseph Thompson: Computer Science Teacher at McDonogh School

Erik Magness: Computer Science Teacher at Villa Maria Academy High School

Kent Pendleton: Computer Science Teacher & Department Head at Trinity Christian Academy

Brande Johnson: Computer Science Teacher at Carlin Combined School

Charnelle Wooledge: Computer Science Teacher at Lincoln High School

Tammie Huddle: Computer Science Teacher at South Carolina Virtual Charter School

Scott Headrick: Computer Science Teacher at Dell Rapids High School

Keith Bona: Computer Science Teacher at Walter C. Young Middle School

Paula Medina: Computer Science Teacher at Brien McMahon High School (BMHS)

Kimberly Ingraham-Beck: CS Teacher at Gretna High School

Danielle Carr: HS Computer Science Teacher at Lake Central High School

Kim Hansen: Computer Science Teacher at Skyview High School

Caren Appel: Computer Science Teacher at Prairie Central High School

Jack Hasler: Computer Science Teacher and Dean of Academics at The Phelps School

Shoufen Jacobson: Computer Science Teacher at Myers Park High

Meet the CodeHS Teacher Trainers

Educators can learn from one another in order to better support their students through computer science education. Our CodeHS Teacher trainers are excited to lead fun and informative workshop sessions on a variety of topics!

Dennis Kramlich: Dennis is a second career teacher and currently teaches at Fayette County High School in Fayetteville, GA. He teaches Georgia’s CS Pathway which includes Introduction to Digital Technology, AP CSP and AP CSA. Dennis was always looking for resources to use in his classroom and found CodeHS about 5 years ago. He’s been using CodeHS ever since!

I have a big interest in helping people and being a CS professional, I see the need for more people to become involved with CS. As such, we need more teachers who can teach computer science and I felt that becoming a CodeHS Teacher Trainer would help with this.

Dennis Kramlich

Sean Raser: Sean has been teaching computer science at California High School in San Ramon for the past 6 years.

I have been extremely happy with the support that I have received from CodeHS ever since I started using them 3 years ago. Account Managers that respond right away, KarelCon, visiting my school to lead Hour of Code sessions, etc. I want to reciprocate that support, but also share these experiences with other teachers. My students have thrived while using CodeHS, and I want other students in other schools to have that same opportunity and experience.

Sean Raser

Tziri Lamm: Tziri is a HS English teacher by training from Brooklyn, NY who started teaching computer science 2 years ago by accident. She’s gone from complete newbie to coordinating computer science curriculum at Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman HS because of all the learning she’s done through and with CodeHS.

I’ve been a tremendous fan of CodeHS since I stumbled across the VR curriculum in December 2018. Last summer I became a CodeHS Certified Educator, so becoming a Teacher Trainer seems like the perfect next step. I love giving professional development and this program gives me the opportunity to expand my repertoire and work closely with a company that I’ve come to respect and love.

Tziri Lamm

Joseph Thompson: Computer Science Teacher at McDonogh School in Owings Mills, Maryland

I would like to share my experiences with CodeHS (7 years and counting) so that more teachers will be excited to teach CS even if they don't feel that confident in their coding skill. I started teaching AP Java without ever having written a line of Java code.

Joseph Thompson

Erik Magness: Computer Science Teacher at Villa Maria Academy High School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania

I believe in the CodeHS curriculum. It is great for both the students and the teacher. It is flexible enough to appeal to many different learning styles. I believe everyone should learn to code and CodeHS is the best path to that goal.

Erik Magness

Kent Pendleton: Kent earned an undergraduate degree in Physics and a master’s in engineering with an emphasis on computer modeling. Although he worked as a ‘rocket scientist’ for a short time at Sandia Laboratories, his real passion has always been teaching. He's been helping students achieve their goals in mathematics and computer science for over 30 years at Trinity Christian Academy in North Dallas, TX.

As an educational leader and curriculum developer, I'm a lifetime learner always looking for something new to learn and to teach. While I love working with students, I'd like to 'pay it forward' by helping other CS teachers master their craft by sharing my successes (and failures!) as I've grown as a CS teaching professional. I've done summer school teaching for over 20 years and now I'd enjoy using at least part of my summers to mentor other teachers with materials I've developed over the last 20 plus years.

Kent Pendleton

Brande Johnson: Brande began as an English and History Teacher in 2008 in northern California. She moved to Nevada in 2017 to teach at a small rural K-12 and began teaching Computer Science in 2018. She found CodeHS when she was evaluating Computer Science curriculum for the state of Nevada and fell in love and began using it the next year.

I wanted to become a CodeHS Teacher Trainer because I believe receiving quality PD is so important and having a teacher to bounce ideas off of is an invaluable resource. I want to be the support system I wish I had when I began teaching Computer Science since there are no other Computer Science teachers at my school.

Brande Johnson

Charnelle Wooledge: Computer Science Teacher at Lincoln High School in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

I wanted to be a CodeHS Teacher Trainer to network, learn about other parts of CodeHS for my classroom, and most of all...teach others about technology.

Charnelle Wooledge

Tammie Huddle: Computer Science Teacher at South Carolina Virtual Charter School in South Carolina

Tammie Huddle

Scott Headrick: Scott is going into his 16th year in education. He serves as a K-12 Technology Integrationist for the Dell Rapids School District in Dell Rapids, SD. He teaches students Python and JavaScript using CodeHS and also help with the district STEM programs.

Computer programming is not something that came easy for me. I want help teachers learn more about computer programming and computer science. I want to make sure every student and teacher can succeed in computer science.

Scott Headrick

Keith Bona: Keith has been teaching at Walter C. Young Middle in South Florida for the past 16 years. He taught Science for 10 years before jumping over to teach technology. Currently, he teaches Microsoft Industry Certification and Introduction to Coding which includes HTML & CSS, JavaScript, and Python.

I first used CodeHS to learn Java so that I could prepare for the state Computer Science exam which I am happy to report that I passed on my first attempt. Having no prior experience with pseudocode or Java, CodeHS really helped me understand how to read this code and be able to write some of my own code. I was interested in becoming a CodeHS teacher trainer so that I could share what I learned to help other teachers prepare for their Computer Science exam or to incorporate the CodeHS program in their classroom.

Keith Bona

Paula Medina: I want to collaborate and influence others to teach computer science to all types of students. I want to collaborate with teachers like me - teachers who are driven to teach programming and teach computational thinking. I work in an urban school district with over 65% minority students. I was tasked with teaching and growing the Brian McMahon High School program in the Spring of 2018. My personal goal was to ensure that underrepresented minority students were included in this growth. I am proud that this goal has been reached. As a CodeHS Certified Educator I would learn from the success of others while sharing some of my own successes. This will help me convince the administration to expand our computer science offerings.

"I want to share with you how Codehs allowed me to offer additional coursework for students who want to learn more than what the school currently offers. The fall of 2019 was the first year we ran APCS-A and the students covered the whole gamut of student types. One third of the class were honor students who wanted the “grade bump up”, a third were students who loved programming and had done some coding on their own, and a third were students who I had taught the year before in Computer Science 1. We had football players, swimmers, lacrosse players, volleyball players, and nerds. One day I put the students in teams to solve a programming problem and I noticed that a shy girl was on a team with 3 football players. I noticed that the boys would argue a lot about different approaches and the girl would wait and offer answers quietly. As time was running out the football captain yelled - “everyone shut-up she knows what she’s doing let her talk”. We all looked over and saw this group of football players sitting quietly while the quiet sophomore implemented and explained the answer. I received an email from this shy girl's mom asking how she could continue her computer science studies after APCS-A? I offered to teach her daughter APCS-principles as an independent study student. The principal approved the independent study because I could show that the student would use an effective, accessible curriculum. In 2020/2021 I had two independent study students. This year I have 4 independent study students. Codehs provided our school with a totally accessible environment which allows our students to expand their knowledge in areas that are interesting to them. These students are the drivers in building our Karelers+ community. This year the computer science students are assisting with middle school student recruitment, organizing and running our Hour of Code effort, entering computer science competitions and setting up our tick tock account. We have ordered a Karel costume that will be worn when we do our “Kareling” before the holidays. Yes I have many other success stories to tell but this one shows how the use of Codehs not only provides students with knowledge and confidence but provides an expanded pathway for studying computer science in high school. My next challenge is to convince the administration to offer more computer science courses. Wish me luck! "My three favorite tools are : collaborate, docs and the autograder. I use collaborate to gamify team competitions within the classroom. My favorite tool is the autograder. When the students complain that it’s too picky I explain the complexity of how the tool works - and we laugh. Docs - creates independent students and eliminates some of their fear of coding.

Paula Medina

Kimberly Ingraham-Beck: I was hired to start the CS program in the district and was told what classes I would be teaching but I was allowed to select my curriculum. I did a lot of searching and found CodeHS.

Kimberly Ingraham-Beck

Danielle Carr:

With CodeHS not only were there videos but also interactive examples that helped not only me but my students fully understand the topic.

Danielle Carr

Kim Hansen: Computer Science Teacher at Skyview High School

I have really enjoyed using the CodeHS curriculum this year and being able to be consistent in using it across my Intro to Coding class, my AP CSA class and my AP CSP class has been wonderful in terms of my sanity when it comes to planning lessons.

Kim Hansen

Caren Appel: Computer Science Teacher at Prairie Central High School

Caren Appel

Jack Hasler: Computer Science Teacher and Dean of Academics at The Phelps School

Jack Hasler

Shoufen Jacobson: Computer Science Teacher at Myers Park High

Shoufen Jacobson

Upcoming Free PD Workshops

The CodeHS Teacher Trainers will be running free virtual (and in-person) PD workshops around the country. You'll be able to register for a workshop near you by visiting the page below!