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Temas de Indiana en Informática


En esta lección, los alumnos conocerán varios modelos y herramientas del ciclo de vida del desarrollo de software que pueden utilizarse en las distintas fases del proceso.


Students will be able to:

  • Identify different software development models
  • Describe tools used during the software development life cycle
  • Explain how tools can help developers collaborate

En esta lección, los alumnos recorren el ciclo de vida de desarrollo de un juego mientras crean su propio juego.


Students will be able to:

  • Understand the steps in the Software Development Life Cycle
  • Understand the steps in the prototype Development Model
  • Describe their game concept and their plan for its development
  • Work together as a team to develop a game
  • Give and receive meaningful feedback
  • Implement changes due to feedback and comments given from peers
  • Program a working prototype of a game