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6 Coding the Voter Registration Data
<!-- The script tag is where all of our code for the data visualization can be found -->
<!-- IMPORTANT: in order to see your graph when run, there must not be any blank values in the series data -->
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5 points

In this exercise, we are going to create the same voter registration graph as we did with the chart generator, except this time you are going to code the data into a working JavaScript program.

You’ll notice that there is a lot of code already written - we are just going to focus on the code that’s nested inside the script tag.

To complete this exercise, you will have to complete three tasks -

  1. Input the data

    • In the variable data there is an attribute called series. Follow the directions in the comment to successfully input the voter registration data:

  2. Label your Y-axis

    • The variable options has an attribute yAxis - follow the comments and plug in the y-axis label there.
  3. Label your X-axis

    • The variable options has an attribute xAxis - follow the comments and plug in the x-axis label there.

When you’ve input all the data, click the Run Code button - your data visualization will appear in the console! You can also click “Run HTML in New Window” to view the full graph in another window.

Can you figure out how to change the graph’s width and height? Check out the options variable!

IMPORTANT: In order to see your graph when you run the code, you can’t have blank values in the series. Either fill in the blank values or remove them from the series.

Reset Code

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