Charting Voter Registration in the U.S by State
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Now that we are more familiar with the chart generator, let’s add some additional data points to the voter registration graph. For this exercise, you are going to choose 5 States and add their registration data.

To find individual state data, head to the Kaiser Family Foundations website. Here you will find the racial demographic data by state. Choose 5 states to add to your chart and plug in the information appropriately. You will need to add 5 additional rows to your chart in order to log the state data.

When your chart is complete, answer the following questions:

  1. Was the national trend similar to the trend that you notice in each individual state?
  2. Were their any states who’s voter registration data stood out to you? Why?
  3. Why is it important for states to have similar voter registration data?
  4. What steps should we take to increase voter registration across states?